The last few hours of 2009 are ticking away . . . This year has been good to us. S&S has come a long way from being a fanciful idea to an actual online shop. Looking forward to the New Year, Shar and I hope to build on that momentum. What will 2010 hold for S&S? Let’s play psychic for a moment while I peer into my crystal ball, shall we? Hmmm . . . it’s a little hazy, but I see new designs . . . fresh fabric selections . . . more FB and Twitter fans . . . perhaps even another business trip (or two!). Well, whatever happens, I’m crossing my fingers that it will be amazing!
To ring in the New Year, I’ve made a few resolutions. I won't cross my heart, hope to die, poke a needle in my eye that I’ll keep them because, as with all resolutions, one or two will inevitably fall by the wayside. BUT, I’ll try my darnest to keep up with them. I have you folks to keep me accountable. So, here goes:
♥ Learn a new sewing skill every month. Each one mastered will be a small triumph in growing the business. (By the way, snaps for me for learning how to create an inner zipper during the holiday sewing frenzy. See, I’m already ahead!)
♥ Read a new sales tip from Etsy every week and apply it to S&S.
♥ Remain dedicated in blogging and announcing interesting things going on at S&S.
♥ Keep sane hours. I mean it with this one! (This goes for Shar too. I know she has no control over her hours, but hopefully she’ll remember to take a cocoa break every now and then.) I don’t want a Christmas repeat and burn out again . . . for either of us!
Good luck with your own resolutions and may the year be kind to you. Here’s a toast to new beginnings in 2010!