Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Long Awaited . . .

Traveler has hit our Etsy shelves! I know there are some anxious fashionistas out there waiting to get their hands on this baby. There is only one in stock and we hope to stock our inventory with more. I have to admit, this one is my favorite! I LOVE big bags. (I have so many that it’s a bit shameful.) I’m the type of gal that likes to be prepared and, trust me, Traveler holds everything! Shar and I have field-tested them ourselves. 

That's right, it's reversible!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I need to return a library book today. I was taking out the post its from The Crafty Chica’s Guide to Artful Sewing, when I was reminded about this random passage I marked.

Crafty Chica’s suggested:
Consider naming your sewing machine your new best friend. You two want to appreciate each other and work together to create fabulous designs. Give her a name. Learn her quirks and how to make the most of them. Most important, decorate her with crystals, stickers, or rub-on letters.

The author, Kathy Cano-Murillo, decorated hers accordingly. Mine won't be as crazy (or tacky) as this one. 

I thought it was inspiring and silly, silly (and easy enough) to the point that I just had to do it. Total cheese, right?! But when I think about it, I’ve definitely called it a bitch not so nice name a couple many times over the duration of our relationship. And yes, I do talk to it, encouraging it to push through thick fabric just a little further or asking her what the hell her problem is. And it is one of the most important elements of the biz. Without her, we’d be lost. See, I’m talking about her, uh it, like she’s one of the girls already. It’s only proper that she be given a name.

My little workhorse needs something independent, unique, feminine and spirited-something that you would name your car, but maybe not your first-born. I know! In the name of fashion, I christen you . . . Athena. Why that particular name you wonder? Well, I thought it would be fitting since Athena is the Greek goddess of handicrafts, as well as wisdom (always good to have), warfare (to kick our competition’s butt), strategy (for advertising and to keep us on track with goals) and reason (to make smart decisions). Besides that, I just love the mystic and romance and of the gods. So, why not name it after one of the more prestigious ones. I’m also supposed to dress her up a bit, but she’s not ready for her glamour shot just yet. I’ll post her in all her glittered and painted glory later. I wonder if I should break a champagne bottle against the flywheel to make it official, you know, like how ships are launched. Nah, I’ll dance it out. That’ll be celebration enough.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Temporary Insecurities

Every now and then my confidence wobbles. Am I good enough? Can I really make a name for myself? Do I have the energy? Is this all just wishful thinking? It’s an everyday battle to remind myself that I can do this, that I have the opportunity of a lifetime to make something out of this little company. I stumbled upon this quote this morning. I hope it shines a little light on your own small battles. I think I’ll post it on my bulletin board.
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?"
–Marianne Williamson
And then, I rock out to Beyonce . . . she’s always a pick me up.