Sewing the sample makeup bag wasn’t so bad. Well, I say that now, but I did have a hell of a time attaching the zipper. The sample was my second time working with one and I made sure to google several tutorials for guidance. I also wanted to know if there were any shortcuts available to make things go smoothly for a novice like me. I have to admit, there were a lot of What the hell's and Aw crap's (one of them for breaking my needle) that day. I’m usually a very good systematic thinker, but it took a little too long for me to catch on to these tutes for my liking. Though after two hours of grumbling, everything else was breeze.
Cutting out the pattern. You like my use of granite? It’s called being resourceful! Why pay $10 for a set of four pattern weights at Joann’s while I can pick up these small slabs for free while hiking.
I also fell in love with my sewing machine again (ours is a love-hate relationship) while discovering the automatic needle threader. What an amazing mechanism to include! I seriously should have read the manual all the way through.
STL’s samples to make:
The Traveler
The Shoe Addict
The Diva
The Student (working on next)
The ??? (stay tuned!)
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