Friday, July 24, 2009


I'm asking myself for the gazillionth time, "Why didn't the seamstress leave instructions?!" Seriously! Seriously.  I can't figure out how to attach the stupid, stupid handles! This is deja vu.  I feel like I'm in geometry class trying to figure out a proof. I have to say, geometry was much easier than this.  I stare at the pieces and play around with them . .  no good.  Pin and unpin and pin and unpin again . . . no good.  Take a lunch break and try again with fresh eyes . . . no good.  Close my eyes and try to imagine the bag being assembled . . . NO GOOD!  No joke, I'm about to tear the sample apart.  How many times have I cursed today?  It's a good thing (or maybe a bad thing) I'm not a devote Catholic.  My Hail Mary's would be 50 and counting. I'm about ready to give up, but I refuse and I'm this close to the end! You know why? Because when all is said and done, it feels SO good to see the finished product. Now, let's do this!

My guideline

My frustration

Huh, I think the little pep talk to myself worked.  I just needed to vent!

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